Monday, September 14, 2020


a summer day, last day of the year. tolosa station and a sunset at 7 pm. Going through the ticket gate, leaving the platform, walking pass the bridge. trees, the sunset and melancholy

Friday, May 8, 2020

on top of the hill of the small town

hey I really like fireflies. Theyre pretty
can we go to place that has fireflies next?
i also like dragonflies, uh. they re pretty

a long time ago when i was on the unknown yard
i was running in circles, then a dragonfly flew against me
it hurted, you know. And i almost swallowed it
Uh thats off. am i never seeing the unknown yard again? I feel like i could but
I can't go back to that time, can't I? That was my last memory of it...

Uhhh, you know
i always feel like you stop listening at some point...